Welcome to the Ocean Beach California VW Bus report. This is the ongoing trip, maintenance, and upgrade log for our 1976 VW Camper. The intent is to track the progress of "Independence" and to meet other local VW enthusiasts.

Wednesday, January 05, 2005

Commuting and cost per mile

I drove the bus to work. There wasn't much traffic in the morning today and so the drive was pleasant. I felt a connection to the school buses on the road; and at least one person smiled at me. Just the fact that I'm trying to look at other drivers makes the ride fun.

This puts us up to about 200 miles and reduces the cost per mile to around $25/mile.
/cheer. Next milestone -- $10/mile.

For comparison sake, I think my 1996 VW Cabrio is just below $0.6/mile adding up everything (cost, repairs/maintenance, insurance, registration, gas.)

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